Doterra-Single Essential oil-Basil
Basil has a warm, spicy, yet herbal aroma known to reduce anxious feelings. Basil provides great benefits to both the mind and body due to its high linalool content, making it an ideal application to help reduce feelings of tension when applied to the temples and back of the neck. Basil is commonly used in cooking to add a fresh, herbal flavor to meats, pastas, and entrée dishes, and it is also cooling to the skin. The aroma of Basil helps promote a sense of focus and a stress-relieving experience.
- Diffuse to promote a sense of focus while studying or reading.
- Combine with Geranium and Wild Orange essential oils for an uplifting aromatic massage.
- Add to your favorite Italian dishes for a refreshing taste.
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Tags: Doterra, Single Essential oil, Basil